Depression & Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are treatable. You don’t have to suffer. Help is available. When most people think of depression, they think of sadness. That is only one of the possible symptoms of depression. In fact, you can be depressed without feeling sad at all! Feeling flat, tired, and uninterested in life, sleeping too much, not being able to sleep, feelings of despair, hopelessness, excessive guilt, self-loathing, inability to think clearly or focus, feeling disconnected from everyone, or everything, and even thoughts of suicide are some of the other symptoms of depression.

Everyone feels anxious sometimes, but anxiety can be more than just feeling a little worried once in a while. Anxiety can include symptoms like irritability, sleep problems, constant or excessive worrying, difficulty concentrating, your mind going blank all of a sudden, fatigue, and a host of physical symptoms including muscle tightness, GI issues, restlessness, and being unable to sit still. It can be anywhere from a minor issue to overwhelming. Anxiety can keep you isolated, make work, and home-life hard or even completely unmanageable. Panic attacks can be crippling.

I take a multi-system approach to both anxiety and depression. Depression and anxiety are complex issues that don’t always respond to “cookie-cutter” solutions. Treatment is adjusted to suit the complex needs of each person. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, psychodynamic therapy, existential therapy, relaxation techniques, and talking about what you are feeling in a safe, private non-judgmental way are all part of the path back to a vibrant and happy you!

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